Government Initiatives to Strengthen Lab grown Diamond Trade in India

Government Initiatives to Strengthen Lab grown Diamond Trade in India

Not long back, the Indian government introduced an import classification code solely for lab-grown rough diamonds, which would enable the industry to better identify lab-grown diamonds and keep track of...

Government Initiatives to Strengthen Lab grown Diamond Trade in India

Not long back, the Indian government introduced an import classification code solely for lab-grown rough diamonds, which would enable the industry to better identify lab-grown diamonds and keep track of...

A Complete Guide to Buying a Lab Grown Diamond

A Complete Guide to Buying a Lab Grown Diamond

Product awareness is an essential part of the diamond buying process. Understanding and gaining adequate knowledge about the diamonds you are going to purchase is crucial for a quick buying...

A Complete Guide to Buying a Lab Grown Diamond

Product awareness is an essential part of the diamond buying process. Understanding and gaining adequate knowledge about the diamonds you are going to purchase is crucial for a quick buying...

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Durable?

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Durable?

As demand for responsibly sourced gems continues to rise, lab grown diamonds have become a captivating alternative. It is no longer a secret that these sustainable diamonds are creating their...

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Durable?

As demand for responsibly sourced gems continues to rise, lab grown diamonds have become a captivating alternative. It is no longer a secret that these sustainable diamonds are creating their...

Lab Grown Diamonds Resale Value: Do Lab Diamonds Hold Their Value

Lab Grown Diamonds Resale Value: Do Lab Diamonds Hold Their Value

For many decades, diamonds have been revered, but nowadays, there are a lot of environmental concerns surrounding the mining process. This has led to the development of lab grown diamonds,...

Lab Grown Diamonds Resale Value: Do Lab Diamonds Hold Their Value

For many decades, diamonds have been revered, but nowadays, there are a lot of environmental concerns surrounding the mining process. This has led to the development of lab grown diamonds,...